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(Super)Natural: Paul Klee and Masako Miki

August 17, 2024–January 12, 2025
Floor 2

For this exhibition, Bay Area artist Masako Miki selected seventeen paintings, prints, and drawings by Paul Klee in SFMOMA’s collection to be shown in dialogue with her own large-scale watercolor landscape, Hyakki Yagyo, Night Parade of One Hundred Demons — Beginning of Another Life with Ruby Red Fox Deity (2021). Inspiring a sense of wonderment, Klee’s works feature a wide cast of invented, whimsical creatures drawn from his close observations of nature. The artist believed that fantasy could stimulate the mind to imagine new possibilities. In her practice, Miki similarly engages elements of the fantastical and the supernatural as generative forces. Her Hyakki Yagyo introduces viewers to a world inspired by yōkai, mischievous creatures and phenomena from Japanese folklore. Miki engages these traditional stories while proposing new narratives for our time. Paired in this presentation, the works of Klee and Miki reveal both artists’ deep belief in the power of art as an act of creation.

Header image: Masako Miki, Hyakki Yagyo, Night Parade of One Hundred Demons — Beginning of Another Life with Ruby Red Fox Deity, 2021; collection SFMOMA, accessions Committee Fund purchase; © Masako Miki; photo: Katherine Du Tiel

Exhibition Preview

Masako Miki, Hyakki Yagyo, Night Parade of One Hundred Demons — Beginning of Another Life with Ruby Red Fox Deity, 2021; collection SFMOMA, accessions Committee Fund purchase; © Masako Miki; photo: Katherine Du Tiel
Paul Klee, Löwenmensch (Lion Man), 1934; collection SFMOMA, fractional and promised gift of the Djerassi Art Trust; photo: Don Ross
Paul Klee, Blüten in der Nacht (Blossoms in the Night), 1930; collection SFMOMA, gift of Charlotte Mack; photo: Don Ross
Paul Klee, Ein Genius serviert ein kleines Frühstück (A Spirit Serves a Little Breakfast) or Engel bringt das Gewünschte (Angel Brings What Is Desired), 1920; extended loan and promised gift of the Djerassi Art Trust; photo: Don Ross
Paul Klee, Grosses Tier (Large Beast), 1928; collection SFMOMA, fractional and promised gift of the Djerassi Art Trust; photo: Don Ross
Paul Klee, Rotes Villenquartier (Red Villa Quarter), 1920; collection SFMOMA; photo: Katherine Du Tiel
Paul Klee, Und schämt sich nicht (And Not Ashamed), 1939; collection SFMOMA, fractional and promised gift of the Djerassi Art Trust; photo: Don Ross